Choose a best text editor or IDE as a Programming beginner VIM or VScode

Choose a best text editor or IDE as a Programming beginner VIM or VScode


3 min read

The story begins with a discord server chat where a person asks in chat which text editor is best for those who learning the new programming language. So someone suggested atom, someone suggested sublime and someone suggested VScode, but I suggested Vim, so now the discussion of VScode or Vim started

The first thing is that Vim is a text editor and VScode is an IDE, first you have to understand which one you want to use from text editor or IDE.

If you are going to learn a new programming language, then text editor is a good option for you. With this, you can learn the basics of any programming language very well. You have several options to choose from, such as Atomic, Sublime, Notepad, and more.

But I suggest you use VIM because when you are learning a programming language, if you learn it well then later you will find yourself using VIM or Vim keybinding. It is better that you learn from now.

vim is a lightweight CLI based text editor that you will find in any Unix system and you can install it in Windows as well. If you use another GUI based text editor, you will have to switch between the keyboard or the mouse repeatedly. If you use Vim, your hands will always be on the keyboard. This allows you to pay good attention to your coding.

I agree that you need to learn basic keybinding of Vim for the first 2 to 3 hours, but going forward it will be very useful.

And if you want to use an IDE instead of a normal text editor, there is nothing better than VScode.

VScode is an IDE that is good for those who want to do their work well and quickly. What I mean to say is that VScode is for professionals who do large projects because there is not only a text editor, but more than that, such as integrated terminals, debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git and if you like something you can install plugins, so it may not be for you because you are new and learning new programming language.

So I suggest that you use VIM, it is that you have to learn a little bit about Vim Basic but it will be useful for later.

If I tell you about myself, I like Vim a lot and I also use VScode, but I have installed Vim plugin so that I can use Vim keybinding in VScode.


If you want to learn the new programming language well, all you need is a text editor with code highlighting and you don't need anything else because you want to focus your attention only on learning the programming language.

And finally you have your own choice to make what you want to use.

The choice is always yours.๐ŸŒŸ

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ’ž

Happy Coding.